In 2019 Lake Gaston Realtors closed 278 waterfront home transactions, averaging $454,988 each. Totaling $126,486,590 or an increase of 30.20% over 2018 sales, just in waterfront homes. Offshore homes showed a slight increase of 1.19% over 2018 sales with 106 closed, averaging $133,616 each, totaling $14,163,318. Waterfront lot sales were flat with 56 sold, averaging $157,124 each, totaling $8,798,950. Offshore lots sales also improved with an increase of 57.54% from 2018 levels averaging $24,789 each. Total homes and land (lots) all firms all around the lake closed 493 transactions. Totaling $151,686,108, an increase of 21.32% above the same period in 2018.
Lake Gaston Real Estate Update Video Year End 2018. Lake Gaston real estate sales and listing figures for Lake Gaston waterfront and non waterfront properties, homes and land. Lake Gaston Realtor / Broker / Partner Barney Watson RE/MAX On The Lake. 252-532-3274
Thinking of buying or selling a Lake Gaston property? Watch RE/MAX On The Lake Broker Owner, Barney Watson's Lake Gaston Real Estate Update End of Sept 2018. He gives current statistics for all homes and land sold in the Lake Gaston NC & VA area. Lakefront / Waterfront and Off-water properties - homes and land.
In the first half of 2018 we closed on 95 Lake Gaston waterfront homes averaging $457,277 each verses 120 in the same six months last year, a decrease of 17.46% as measured in dollar sales. Lake Gaston offshore home sales have increased slightly, 2.9% over 2017 sales with 51 sold averaging $115,339 each. Lake Gaston waterfront lot sales were also up slightly with 25 sold in 2018 at an average sales price of $136,167. Total closed land and home sales in the Lake Gaston market for the first six months of this year are $56,251,140 versus $61,697,330 in the same period of 2017 or a decrease of 8.83%.